Required Metadata:
- App Title - The App Title is used only in the Lg store, not on a user's home screen. Tip: all of the words in the app store name count as keywords when user's search for your app.
- Description - This is a description of your app that will be displayed in the app store. Keep your catchiest content in the first few lines to make sure it is visible to all visitors.
- Primary Category - The Primary category helps prospective downloaders find your app in the App Store.
- Secondary Category - The Secondary category helps prospective downloaders find your app in the App Store.
- Rating - LG will assign your app an age rating based on its content. The ratings are 4+, 12+, 16+, or 18+. Note: MAZ cannot approve any apps with Graphic Realistic Violence or Graphic Sexual/Nudity content.
- Tags - Keywords to help identify/find content
- Seller Name - Your company’s name.
- Support Email - Email where customers can send questions.
Required Assets
App Icon - The most important identifying asset of your app. It will represent the app on the device home screen as well as in the app store.
Requirements:- Allowed Sizes: 400X400 px
- File Limit: 5 MB
Launcher Background - When users scroll across your app from a browse page, the Background Image appears in the upper-right corner of a mini-detail page. When users click your app icon, the Background Image can also fill the entire background.
Requirements:- Allowed Sizes: 1920X1080 px
- File Limit: 10 MB
Splash Screen Background - This will be visible on the screen, when the webOS TV is loading your app.
Requirements:- Allowed Sizes: 1920X1080 px
- File Limit: 10 MB
These are examples of your content that will be displayed for your app within the App Store. They can be screenshots of anything, but we recommend exciting content with beautiful images to entice downloaders.
Primary Screenshot
- Required 4
- Allowed Sizes: 1920X1080 px
- File Limit: 500 KB
Secondary Screenshot
- At least 2 required
- upload up to 5
- Allowed Sizes: 1920X1080 px, 1280X720 px
- File Limit: 5 MB
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