Required Metadata:

  • App Name - The App Name is used only in the app store, not on a user's device home screen. Tip: all of the words in the app store name count as keywords when user's search for your app. 30 character limit.
  • App Sub Title - 
  • Description - This is a description of your app that will be displayed in the app store. Keep your catchiest content in the first few lines to make sure it is visible to all visitors. 300 character limit.
  • Short Description - The short description displays at the top of your listing in the app store.
  • Source ID - 
  • Price Model - 
  • Rating - 
  • Rating Body - 
  • Is Rating Explicit - 

Required Assets

  • App Icon - The most important identifying asset of your app. It will represent the app on the device home screen as well as in the app store.

    • Allowed Sizes: 216 x 216 px
    • SVG
  • Hero Carousel - Used to represent your app in the OTT store and home screen.

    • Allowed Sizes: 1560 x 390 px
    • JPEG
  • Main Image -