Publish articles to Apple News, an audience of millions.
Reach a larger audience by publishing your content to Apple News.
Set up an iCloud News Publisher account
Create an account with iCloud News Publisher by following the instructions provided by Apple. Then, set up your channel logo and add contact details.
You must create at least 3 articles and submit your channel for approval before you can begin publishing.
Connect Apple News and MAZ
Apple News
In your Apple News account, navigate to Settings, then Connect to CMS. Select "Get an API Key." A window will pop up with your Channel ID, API Key ID, and API Secret. Sync this information in MAZ by following the steps below.
IMPORTANT: You can only view the API Secret once.
Navigate to Content > Channels and scroll to Apple News; flip the switch on. Then select Setup. Copy and paste the Channel ID, API Key ID, and API Secret from Apple News into the respective fields.
Now, Apple News and MAZ are connected.
Select or create a feed
From Content > Channels > Apple News, select Feeds. Select +Feed, and then select a feed from the Input Library. You can also create a custom feed just for Apple News by using Feed Builder.
Design a template
Create a custom template for Apple News using Template Designer and following our Apple News Style Guide.
Let’s do it!
Send your feeds to specific sections in Apple News by creating sections in the News Publisher dashboard. Now you’re ready to publish content to Apple News.