Publish a web-based version of your magazine. 

MAZ Reader is the new way to create high-resolution PDFs of magazine issues for the web.


In this article:

  • MAZ Reader Overview
  • How to Set Up MAZ Reader as an Output
  • How to Upload PDFs to MAZ Reader
  • Organize & Design PDFs

MAZ Reader Overview

Upload your brand’s PDFs, and MAZ will turn them into flipbooks for distribution wherever you can insert a link. Set up MAZ Reader, upload your brand’s PDFs, and organize and design for each channel to distribute.


How to Set Up MAZ Reader


Navigate to Contents > Channels, and flip the MAZ Reader switch on. Navigate to Setup.




Insert your Google Analytics Tracking ID to track reader engagement, reported directly into your Google Analytics account.


Then, set the accessibility of the link.




Enable or disable the option for readers to Download, Print, Share, and Right Click. Save your changes.


Now that MAZ Reader is set up, you can upload PDFs to design and publish.


How to Upload PDFs


In the MAZ Reader Setup dashboard, select Feeds on the top left.


Select +Feed on the top right. Your Input screen will pop up; Click Select next to the PDFs you would like to add to MAZ Reader or navigate to My Contents to upload first.


After uploading PDFs, hover over a PDF and select Rules on the right to set the Metadata and capture the URL.




Under Metadata, set the Landscape Default to 1 or 2 Pages, and Access Control to Public or Basic Authentication, which will request a user to log in as associated with your brand’s app.


You will also find the Reader URL on the top right, and the Embed Code on the top left.




How to Organize and Design PDFs

With PDFs uploaded to MAZ Reader, you can now organize and design them for the web.


In the Channel Rules dashboard, select the dropdown on the top right.




Select Organize.




Set the TOC (Table of Contents) and Page 1. The TOC is where the end-user can easily navigate to all the most important pages of your content. Page 1 is where your content's page count begins. You must set Page 1 before designing.


You can also set a Pre-Cover to serve as a preview of the issue. Create a pre-cover by selecting the plus (+) sign next to the first page of the PDF.




Once the content is processed and you have organized it, you can enhance it with links and multimedia using the Design tool. Select Design from the dropdown.


When adding an enhancement, you can choose to add a variety of links to either section of the page, or the entire page, by selecting Full Page. You can select Small, Medium, or Large button sizes, set to the right of the navigation after selecting a navigation item.


Optional Settings


Guides: Provides instructional pop-ups.


Grid: Adds vertical and horizontal lines to assist with placement.


Enhancement Options

  • Web: Use the icons from the dropdown to create buttons to tap anywhere on the page. Enter a tracking name and Web URL. The button will lead to the link you enter with one tap. Select Save.
  • Media: Add an image or video that connects to a button, or set it within the page.
  • Social: Add social buttons to connect to your accounts.
  • Page: Add buttons that encourage turning the page.
  • Audio: Add an audio URL.
  • Email: Add a button to promote email.
  • Shop: Add a button to link to promote eCommerce.

Enhancement Settings

On the pop-up, the top buttons allow you to set buttons on particular pages, triggers, and how it appears on the page.




No Repeat: Select this dropdown to set button repetition, or keep it customized for one page.


Tap Trigger: set Tap Trigger to require tapping to trigger the URL, or auto to trigger it on landing.


Inline: set the button to sit within the page, overlay the page, or full screen, which triggers the button wherever tapped on the page.


Let's do it!

Utilize the Reader URL within each PDF’s Rules dashboard to publish wherever you’d like; simply copy, paste, and publish.


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