Select video settings for inline video thumbnails.
Inline video thumbnails allow users to preview a video within the menu thumbnail before selecting to play that video. This feature can be toggled on or off depending on your preference. In this article, we will show you how to do that.
Inline Video Thumbnails
Navigate to App Creator, then Design, and select Video Settings from the left side toolbar. Here you can turn inline video thumbnails on or off. Your selection will operate as the Default for all video feeds in your app.
When toggled on, a user will be able to preview the video before they select it, as the video will begin to autoplay within its thumbnail.
When toggled off, the thumbnail will show a static image as shown below.
If you choose to turn on inline videos, set the following:
- Inline Menu: Full Access, Limited Access, or None
Full Access allows a user to navigate to a different video, while limited access is simply a preview.
- Display Title: First 5 Seconds, Entire Video Playback, None.
Choose when you would like the title to display.
Individual Feed Settings
If you have a specific feed where you would like to have a different setting than the rest of the app, you can adjust those thumbnail settings by navigating to a specific feed, clicking Settings and looking at OTT Options. The setting options will be the same as above.
NOTES: (1) Not supported for HLS/M3U8 Livestream. (2) Inline Thumbnail Videos can cause poor performance or lagginess when there are many videos or large video files.