Add an additional screen with more details about your video content before playing it.
This feature will allow you to display your content in the best ways for your apps. The Interstitial Screen is available for all the OTT and mobile layouts except the Detail View (OTT).
How it Works
Once the user clicks any video from the feed, the Interstitial Screen if enabled will show on the screen with all the configured details from your feed.
Important Note: MAZ supports interstitial screen for MRSS, Media JSON, Vimeo feed, and JW Player feed types.
How to Enable the Interstitial Screen
Go to the Feed > Design > and check Show Interstitial Screen for mobile and OTT respectively.
Required Tags for MRSS
MAZ will pull the data from the tags in your MRSS feed that is added to the MAZ dashboard. Below are the requires tags that will be read from your MRSS feed
- media:rating
Actor(s) : Concatenate all actors from separate actor tags (egmedia:credit role="actor"David Vallee, Angelique Sobschak"</media:credit> )
Director(s): Concatenate all actors from separate director tags (eg<media:credit role="director">Sean Buckley</media:credit> ) -
Duration - media:copyright
- media:category for Genre ( concatenate and comma separate all if there are multiple tags)
Example MRSS feed:
<rss xmlns:media="" xmlns:maz="" version="2.0">
<title>Home video feed</title>
<description>Some description text for the feed</description>
<lastBuildDate>Mon, 23 Nov 2015 11:52:32 0800</lastBuildDate>
<title>A BIG Title for your Video</title>
<description> Description of the video </description>
<pubDate>Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:29:47 0800</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">9677095935</guid>
<media:content duration="123" medium="video" type="video/mp4" url=""/>
<media:title>Media Title</media:title>
<media:thumbnail url=""/>
<media:rating scheme="urn:mpaa">R</media:rating>
<media:credit role="actor">Sten Jacobs, Anna Altmann, Jaspar Fuld</media:credit>
<media:credit role="director">Curtis Burz</media:credit>
<media:subTitle href=""/>
Specs for Media JSON
Similar to MRSS, now we have Interstitial screens for Media JSON which should include elements like:
- Actors
- Directors
- Genres
- Duration
- Release Year
- Rating
Example Media JSON feed:
"title": "Media JSON feed",
"deck": "Some description text for the feed",
"updatedAt": "1595776122",
"items": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Title for your Video",
"published": "1595776122",
"type": "vid",
"deck": "Description of the video",
"image": {
"url": ""
"duration": "356",
"sourceUrl": "" ,
imageAltTag: "Image1",
rating: "G",
actor: "David Vallee, Angelique Sobschak",
director: "Sean Buckley",
duration: "356",
copyright: "2006",
category: "Bollywood, Wedding, Fun, Spoof, More"
Specs for Vimeo Feed
Similar to MRSS, and Media JSON we now have Interstitial screens for Vimeo Feeds as well which should include elements like:
- Actors
- Directors
- Genres
- Copyright
- Rating
To use this feature, please navigate to Content >> Metadata in the MAZ dashboard and specify a separator key. We would suggest using any one of the characters from these {:,/,-,?}. This character will be used as a separator between your tag and its value. (Eg Genre: Horror)
You can also map specific text to the values of your tags which can be used in the Vimeo through the Metadata page. (Content >> Metadata in the MAZ dashboard)
To Add tags in Vimeo, please navigate to the video in vimeo dashboard >> Advanced Settings >> Distribution >> tags.
* Note: Please include Credit before Actor & Director tags. (Credit: Actor: Brad), (Credit: Director: Christopher Edward Nolan)
All other tags can be written as Genre: Comedy, Rating: ABC, and so on.
Specs for JW Player
Similar to Vimeo Feeds, we now have Interstitial screens for JW Player as well which should include elements like:
- Genre
- Actor
- Director
- Ratings
- Copyright
To use this please navigate to Content >> Metadata >> JW Player Metadata in the MAZ dashboard and set the JW Player Custom Parameter Name.
Note: The ‘Custom Parameters’ name added in the JW Player Dashboard should be exactly the same as declared in the MAZ Dashboard against the Video Metadata Field.
To add Custom Parameters in the JW Player, please navigate to the video in the JW Player Dashboard >> Metadata
Important Note: Changing the JW Player customer parameter names in the JW Player metadata form will affect only new video items coming in from then on and those changes will not affect on already existing feed items. For the changes to apply to already existing feed items, the feeds will need to be reprocessed. You can reach out to us at to get your feeds reprocessed after adding the custom parameters to all videos.
Interstitial Screen Samples
Note: The Interstitial Screen can be turned ON for all the feeds from Admin. To enable it for all your feeds in the app, please write to us at