Enable social login by updating your account.
To allow users to log in with a quick and easy single sign-on with their social accounts, follow the following steps to connect your Facebook, Twitter, and Google developer API accounts within your app. Learn how below!
1. Log into https://developers.facebook.com/ as a developer, or create an account.
2. Select an App or Create a New App.
3. Select Build Connected Experiences for Facebook Login. Enter your app name. Then select Facebook Login Set Up.
4. First, add iOS. Skip step 1. Step 2 will ask for your Bundle ID, this can be found in your MAZ Dashboard under App Creator > Social Login > iOS/tvOS Bundle Id. Then skip steps 3 through 9.
5. Next, add Android by clicking on the Android tab. Skip steps 1 and 2. For Step 3, find your Package Name where you found your Bundle ID in the previous step, App Creator > Social Login > Android Bundle Id.
Add "MainActivity" to the end of your Package Name for Default Activity Class Name, i.e. If your Package Name is com.maz.combo2680, then Default Activity Class should be com.maz.combo2680.MainActivity.
6. Step 4 will require your Keystore file that you should have created for Android. You can find those steps here. Follow the steps provided by Facebook to generate your Development Key Hash using your unique Keystore. Skip steps 5 through 10.
7. Toggle the app live by clicking the toggle button next to In development. You will need to provide a Privacy Policy URL and Data Deletion Instructions URL. You can use MAZ's URL for both if you do not have your own.
8. Go to View Analytics in the top right and select Settings on the left pane. Disable Log In-App Purchase Events Automatically on iOS” and Log In-App Purchase Events Automatically on Android by toggling to No.
9. Navigate back to the App you just created in the top left., then click Settings. Under Advanced you will find Client Token and under Basic will be App ID. Collect both these values.
10. Plug both of these values into the MAZ Dashboard under App Creator > Social Logins for Facebook App Id and Facebook Client Token respectively.
1. Log into https://apps.twitter.com as a developer, or create an account, and select Apps on the top right.
2. Select the app that is connected to MAZ.
3. Select Keys and Tokens and copy the Consumer API Keys.
4. Return to App Details. Callback URLS /
define the schema in the below format and replace the ConsumerKey with the above copied key with '<' and '>'
- Go to Google's Developer Console to log in or sign up for a new account.
- Create a new project for your app.
3. Please reach out to "success@mazsystems.com" to verify the Bundle ID and SHA Fingerprint values for your app. Then select Credentials in the Google Console to setup new OAuth Credential keys for iOS and Android and Web.
- Enter the name of the application for which you are setting up Google SSO.
- Enter the Bundle ID of your he application,
- Enter the App Store ID and Team ID from your Apple Developer account (both are optional).
- Click on Create.
- Select the Client ID displayed to copy and paste in the MAZ ID dashboard.
- Enter the name of the application for which you are setting up Google SSO.
- Enter the signing certificate fingerprint shared.
- Enter the package name of the application.
- Click on Create.
- Select the Client ID displayed to copy and paste in the MAZ ID dashboard.
- Enter the name of the application.
- Click on Create.
- Select the Client ID displayed to copy and paste in the MAZ ID dashboard.
4. Complete the Consent Screen with your homepage, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service:
5. Submit your project to be verified by Google for approval.
6. Once approved, submit your iOS, Android and/or your and Web Client ID in your MAZ dashboard under App Creator and Social Login.