How to get web content into your mobile app? How to get web content into your mobile app?

How to get web content into your mobile app?

Vijay Sharma Vijay Sharma

How to source content from your website, a sponsor, or your Instagram page!

You are able to add in a webpage of perhaps your products, or an email signup list within your MAZ mobile app. This is accomplished by having a Section of your app display web content.


1. Navigate to App Creator, click on +Section.

2. Choose a name for your Section and choose "Mobile" as the platform you want it live on (keep in mind OTT apps do not support web-based content)

3. Make sure you tick off "Active" if you want the Section to appear in your live app right away.

4. Click on "Additional Options" and check off "This is a single content section."

5. Once checked off you will see some additional settings which include
Content-Type and a field to enter the corresponding URL (see screenshot below).

6. Complete those settings, click "Save" and see the Section go live in your app.


adv options.png